
Trials and fines come like non-stop snowing falling!



2.今天(2011年7月14日),共76人收到掛號信。一份厚重以及相當有組織的書面資料(50多頁),標題斗大的寫著「禁止干擾建設臨時處分申請」。申請人是海軍,而法律上的代表則是韓國司法部部長。其中一位軍方代表據稱曾在一次遊行中對一位女性遊行者施加暴力行為。所有在這裡一起工作的NGO也都在被申請人的名單上,像是「The Frontiers」、「生命與和平」等等。海軍向所有被申請人要求賠償,對於所有遊行等妨礙建設的活動,每一次開罰5,000,000韓元。

3. 明天(2011年7月14日),包括Choi, SungHee在內的9人會接受法院審訊。



Three notices:

1.      Yesterday(July 13th, 2011), the naval requested to 14 normal residents of Gangjeong to pay for the damage. Damage means interfering the construction. The total amount is 289,780,810 KW. They are actually normal people who usually only join the activity when there’re demonstrations. One of them is just the owner of the ship which was used for demonstration in the sea.

2.      Today(July 14th, 2011), 76 people got the mail from post office. It’s a really heavy and well-organized document (around 50 pages), the application of provisional disposition for the prohibition of construction interfering. The applicant is navy and the representative in law is minister of Justice, ROK. I heard that one of the soldier’s name showed on the applicants list is infamous as he once did violence to a woman in a demonstration. All the NGOs such as “The Frontiers” and “Life and Peace” who are active here were included in the accused list too. For all these accused, the navy requested 5,000,000 KW for each demonstration which navy regarded as actions to interfere the naval construction. 

3.      Tomorrow(July 15th, 2011), 9 activists, including Choi, SungHee, will go to court for trial.

The fines and trials are heavy actually but we still live happily with Rocks and Sea, amazing creation of God. There’s a beautiful moon with us during today’s serious meeting just like a present as a big encouragement.

People will continue until justice come. Pray for us. Do something for us. Cry for us. Angry for us. 

Full moon and sea
