
nobody can sleep well here

昨天,西歸浦市長Ko, ChangHu來到江汀洞與居民會談,所談的內容主要是關於通往Gureommbi的農用道路問題,此農用道路的所有權自從日治時代起就屬於中央政府,雖然事實上此農用道路是沿途農民自掏腰包捐款所造的。依據法律該如何使用此農用道路取決於中央政府,中央政府將此權利交給濟州市,濟洲市則交給西歸浦市。西歸浦市還未做最後決定,此會談便是在做決定之前與居民的會談,事實上此會談原本被排在結果發表的日子之後,但因為江汀洞居民不滿抗議,西歸浦市政府才將會談時間排在結果決定之前。雖然西歸浦市有責任決定此道路的命運,但中央有權否決此決定,而如果西歸浦市不聽取中央的決定,中央可以處罰其怠忽職守罪。目前中央政府已經要求西歸浦市關閉此道路,但西歸浦市回答,此道路仍在使用中,因此市長目前也收到起訴,和其他人一樣,也有可能被逮捕。大家所害怕的是政府使用「行政代執行」(행정대집행)強制關閉與拆除道路。






昨天,一名海軍對一位和平活動者說,Brother Song 現在的情況比之前還要舒服多了。昨天,一名工頭對另一位和平活動者生氣的說:「你為什麼要阻止工程?你知道嗎,昨天我開除了兩位工人。」



Yesterday(July 20th), the mayor of Seogwipo came to have a discussion with the villagers of Gangjeong. The main issue is about the farming road which leads to Gureombi. The ownership of the farming land belong to the central government, the farming road had been build by the donation of the farmers themselves though. According to the law, how to use this farming road depends on the central government, the central government authorized the right to the Jeju City government and the Jeju city government authorized to the Seogwipo City. So far the Seogwipo city hasn't made the final decision, this meeting is the meeting before making the decision. Actually, this meeting had been made on the dates later than the presentation day of the final decision, but after the displeased protest to the seogwipo city government, the dates of the final decision making has been postponed. Although the Seogwipo city government has the responsibility to decide the final fate of this farming road, but the central government has the right to deny Segwipo city government's decision, and if the City government doesn't follow the central government's order, they will get punishment because of dereliction of duty. Now the central has asked the Seogwipo city government to close the farming road, but the Seogwipo city government answered that the road has been using continually, and the Seogwipo city mayor was accused too, and possible to be put in jail. What all of us are worried now is the using of " Administrative Enforcement" to demolish the only way to Gureombi. 

During the meeting with the mayor of Seogwipo, on the way to Gureombi, a conflict broke out between navy and residents who tried to put an iron container beside the farming road which leads to Gureombi. Navy tried to stop as it is regarded as a disturbing when they want to demolish the road. The residents and activists have determined mind to protect the road, so in the end the residents could put down the iron container. Now they also set up the tents around the iron container, and carefully keep there for 24 hours and prepare their mind for the coming of "administrative enforcement". Everyone feel very tense in mind and think maybe just the next  moment, the navy, police will come to demolish the only road which leads to Gureombi. Under this kind of condition, who can sleep well?

This morning, on the way to Gureombi, we saw people worked with the backhoes, so we went to check with worry. The owner of the farm said, he is not the one who support the naval base construction, and the reason why he was removing his plant is because too much pressure of the fines come to him. The person who worked on the backhoes is from Vietnam. I wonder how much he understood about the situation here.

Hey, residents of Gangjeong, how long will this kind of days go on? In a talking with the villagers here, one person asked "if the administrative enforcement" comes, if the government will forcibly demolish this road, if the workers come, the police come, and the navy come, what to do for the residents? The village leader and another leader said at the same time that we will struggle non-violently to the end, and will never use violence, even if we got beat or hurt, we won't respond with violence. It's very impressive and touched. 

The residents of Gangjeong are not violent mob, and are not unreasonable people. Their requests are very humble, and their behaviors are very humble too. It is the government of Korea who is too powerful, it is the USA who is too huge, and also there're too many followers without thinking deeply.  

Yesterday, a navy told a peace activist that Brother Song now is in a much more comfortable situation. Yesterday, a labor leader angry to one peace activist by saying why you blocked the construction? do you know? Yesterday I fired 2 workers.

To Police men, in the conflict, you may have your pressure and frustration, to the navy of ROK, you may also have your own reason to choose to serve with your loyalty to your country, to the workers of Samsung and Daelim, you may have your reason to guard your jobs. Whatever, this construction absolutely should be blocked. I totally cannot imagine, how the Ganjeong and the villagers of Gangjeong will be, and where will they go without the Gureombi. 

Although I felt sorry to the workers who lost their jobs, it's not the fault of Gangjeong villagers or peace activists. Now there're still 3 people who lost their freedom and stayed in jail. It may be a even heavier suffering. Everyone who is a bit active against the naval base got the police notice. These farmers and fisher men learned a lot after the naval base construction interfered into their lives.

Their eyes which full of frustration are still sprinkling. They are people who without any consideration said firmly that "non-violently struggling till the end". I hope there are more these kind of people who insist like this in this world.

西歸浦市長Ko, ChangHu
Mayor of Seogwipo: Ko, ChangHu

西歸浦市長Ko, ChangHu與江汀洞村民的會談
The meeting between the Gangjeong villagers and Seogwipo mayor, Ko, ChangHu

The villagers tried to put the iron container beside the farming road, and the navy tried to stop
A group of  student visitors saw the struggling and they cannot help but crying
                           A group of  student visitors saw the struggling and they cannot help but crying
A navy asked me not to take photos

How cannot I take photos if I saw all these struggling. How cannot I do my best to tell others? Do you know how huge thing is the powerless residents facing now? One of the most renowned newspaper "Chosun Daily news" criticized these peace movement is a left-wing movement, and it is just echoing what the navy said to one of the peace volunteer a few days ago that 'are you the North Korean'.  

I am not a Korean, but this issue is definitely not a Korean domestic issue. If you are not a Korean too, according to your conscientiousness, you absolutely have the right to interfere in this business. 


