
Sleeping grandmother

It said that Jeju island was made by a grandmother. She slept here. She uses the Tiger Island as pillow, putting her legs on the Hara mountain.


Candle Light Rally

2011年7月28日傍晚,Brother Song在相當嚴格的條件下,保釋出獄。


自2011年7月26日開始,江汀洞居民每晚皆聚集在海軍辦公室前舉辦燭光晚會,並一路遊行至通往Gureombi的Olley第七道路三叉路口。每個人都在一日的辛勞後聚集,7月29日在聽到此惡劣的消息後,大家依舊點著燭光遊行,大家依舊「Such Like the Rock」。



Ps. (Olley道路是濟州島最著名的旅遊步道,江汀洞的海岸一直以來都被列為第七道路,海軍多此試圖移除Olley第七道路的標誌,江汀洞居民則不屈不撓地重新標示Olley道路指標。)

On July 28th, 2011, Brother Song was released on bail under a very strict condition.  

Since the night of July 26th, villagers and activists in Gangjeong village started to have candle light rally every night in front of the navy office, after the rally, people demonstrate until the intersection of Olley 7 course. People worked at day time but still spend time gathering in night time.

On the morning of July 29th, 2011, Seogwipo city mayor canceled the farming road which is also known as Olley 7 course in Gangjeong village, so the Olley 7 course may be demolished soon. On the night of July 29th, after knowing this bad news, people still had the candle light rally, and still sang the song of "such like the rock". Actually, everybody really feels hard in mind. 

It's hard to imagine how people can make the Gangjeong villagers suffer so much for 5 years just for a ridiculous naval base construction or just for money.

We all are just the small and weak person. If one day because of many complicated reasons I were a navy or a worker in Samsung, I hope I will still be the one who cannot see people's struggling without feeling pain. If so, we all can still see some hope.


Gureombi Don't Cry /구럼비여, 울지말아요


我從台灣來 來到江汀洞

我從台灣來 來到江汀洞


有정덕이和他的爸爸 忠實地守候

구럼비呀 你的呼聲 我們聽得到
구럼비呀 你的呼聲 我們聽得到



구럼비여, 울지말아요

저는 타이완에서 강정마을로 왔어요
강정바다는 매우 아름다워요
저는 타이완에서 강정마을로 왔어요
바위는 따뜻하고 굳세요
사람들은 당신을 구럼비라고 불러요
저는 할망이 고요히 잠든 모습을 봤어요
사람들은 당신을 중덕바다라고 불러요
중덕이와 중덕이 아버지는 흔들림없이 꿋꿋하게 이곳을 지키고 있어요
구럼비의 신음소리가 들려요
구럼비의 신음소리가 들려요
전세계 평화일꾼들이 모여들고 있어요
구럼비여, 울지 말아요

 Don't cry, Gureombi. 

I come from Taiwan to Gangjeong village.
The sea of Gangjeong village is so beautiful.
I come from Taiwan to Gangjeong village.
The rock of Gangjeong village is warm and tough.
They said your name is Gureombi.
I always see Halmang(Grandma) fall asleep in silence.
They also called you Jundoek beach
There're Jundoeki(a dog's name) and his father keeping the beach  
Gureombi... your screaming, we can hear
Gureombi...your screaming, we listen
Peace Makers from the world will come
Peace Makers from the world will come
Don't cry.


那是關於愛/ It is about Love.


今天(2011年7月28日)是Sung-Hee Choi在監獄的第71個日子。翻譯一篇美國大學助教David Vine的文章。

PS. 此翻譯文為原文,經編輯後的文章請見此:
Jeju Island Activist Sung-Hee Choi Interviewed in Prison

Sung-Hee Choi: An Activists' Words from the Jeju Prison_22 July 2011 by David Vine

Sung-Hee Choi:




我現在所害怕的是關於法西斯主義將侵入整座島嶼。 [訪談人:法西斯主義? ]是的,法西斯主義。是的,在韓半島...以及現在濟州島也正被三星所主導。




我在想的另一件事情是,日復一日,濟州島將成為美軍的紅色按鍵。美軍已經佔領了所有他覬覦的地區。美軍已經佔領了夏威夷、沖繩、菲律賓。現在,他們想佔領濟州島。這是一座和平之島。這是為了和平。現在在這裡的和平活動家的展望是保持這座島嶼做為一座真正的和平之島。Brother Song和前濟州島知事ShinShin Goo-beom試圖和村民一同尋找為了後代子孫發展江汀洞的替代方式。其中一個方式是建立聯合國和平學校。他們都在談論這一點。我們必須視此為我們的視野,我們必須將此轉為最終的結果。為我們濟州島的後代建立一個真正的和平學校是一個具體的視野。我真的很希望你能談談村民們所受的苦、他們如何熱愛他們的家鄉。我真的希望也真的相信你將和許多人們分享...。謝謝你的來訪,還有...。

S-HC: 我們向你學習到很多。我從未聽說或者讀過關於美軍基地的書,所以我真的希望你可以和亞太地區島嶼的人們溝通。

DV: 在幾個禮拜內我將拜訪沖繩,我認為這將成為我第一個機會,我會試著談談彼此間的連結。我將分享關於濟州島、沖繩和其他幾個島嶼的情況。但是,我有一個疑問...你為何認為有很多其他人會如此投入這場掙扎?像你一樣。不惜進入監獄,不惜絕食抗議。有很多反軍事基地的運動存在,人們似乎充滿熱情的投入此運動,但是我在想,你認為到底是為什麼-不論是為了你自己或者為了他人-人們如此地投入奉獻,並堅持反抗?

CS-H: [如我所寫] 我應該為無法發聲的生物發聲,第二為了我們即將成為戰爭犧牲品的後代子孫。我認為村民們熱愛他們的故鄉,那是他們的家鄉...他們如此愛惜它。

在此刻,一個機械性的背景音樂突兀地切斷Sung-Hee 的談話,通知著我們會面時間已經結束並指導拜會者盡速離去。Sung-Hee 抓了隻筆和一張紙,迅速地寫了最後的話。在警察將他帶離以前,他握著那張紙,貼著衡在我們之間的玻璃上。


In Gangjeong Village, I feel very thankful to be lucky to meet many people who live for love. Thank God.

Today (July 28th, 2011) is the 71st day of imprison of Sung-Hee Choi. I translated an interview article from David Vine, an assistant professor of American University.

The edited article is on Foreign Policy In Focus. Here's the link: 
Jeju Island Activist Sung-Hee Choi Interviewed in Prison

Sung-Hee Choi: An Activists' Words from the Jeju Prison_22 July 2011 by David Vine

Sung-Hee Choi:
An Activists’ Words from the Jeju Prison
22 July 2011

“The United States and South Korea use military exercises in the [Asia-Pacific region] which are aimed against China not North Korea. There is big evidence that the United States will want the Jeju naval base, even though this is officially denied every time: “This is not a U.S. naval base. This is a South Korean base.” So this is really a trick. They are really deceiving people. There is no problem for the U.S. military to use [it]. “This is a South Korean base”—this [claim] isn’t true:

The United States and South Korean ministry of defense treaty, which was signed in 1954. Second, the SOFA facilities are really meant for the U.S. military. Third, the U.S. military strategic flexibility policy. The United States military can clearly use any South Korean base. 
The second point of the alliance….It is not only military, but also capitalism. Such as, Samsung and Daerim, which is also [benefiting from the building of the base]. It is not only a military part, but also the commercial part….
What I am afraid about is the entrance of fascism in the whole island. [Interviewer: Fascism?] Yes, fascism. Yes. In the mainland….and now Jeju island is being dominated by Samsung….
It’s a tragedy for Jeju Island and its people, because they have already experienced [the massacre of 40,000] in 1948. [Theirs is a history of struggle] against outside powers…. At the time against the United States military weapons [involved in the massacre, just a few years]…after the South Korean liberation from Japan. 
The history of the Jeju island is basically a history of struggling against the outside powers: The US and Japan. Its own identity is constant…. Jeju has been the victim of the outside powers…. 
Why are we still struggling? Not only for the environment, not only for the [?], but also for the history of the Jeju island and South Korea, which has also been struggling against the powerful countries (in a geostrategic sense). 
Another thing that I am thinking is that, day by day, Jeju island is a red button for the United States military. The United States already occupies all of the region that it covets. The United States already occupies Hawai’i, Okinawa, Philipines [or, they used to]. Now they want to occupy Jeju island. This is a peace island. This is for peace. Now the vision of the peace activists here is for keeping the island as a real peace island. Brother Song and Former Jeju Governor Shin Goo-beom have tried to find alternatives with Villagers how to develop Gangjeong village for our future generation. One option is to build UN Peace School.  They are all talking about this. That needs to be our vision. That needs to be our ultimate. That is a concrete vision to create a real peace school for future generations in Jeju island.
And I really hope that you can talk about… how the villagers are suffering. How they love their hometown. And I’m really hoping and I really believe too that you will talk to so many [people]…Thank you so much for coming, and....
DV: I feel so lucky to be here and to learn from you and from so many…

S-HC: We learn a lot from you. I have never heard about or read a book about the U.S. military bases, so I really hope that you will  Please communicate…the islands in the Asia-Pacific region.
The islands are now a target of an empire base for the United States. So why islands are now victimized, by the US…?

DV: I am going Okinawa in a few weeks and I think that will be the first opportunity I will have to talk about these connections. I am going to talk about Jeju, and Okinawa, and actually a few other islands. But, I had a question…Why do you think there are so many people who are so dedicated to the struggle? Like yourself. People willing to go to jail. People willing to go on hunger strikes? There are many anti-base movements but people seem to be very passionate, and I wonder why—either personally for yourself or for others—you think people are so dedicated, so strong in their opposition?

CS-H: [As I wrote] I should talk for the voiceless creatures…who cannot speak. 2nd, for our future generations who will be the victims [of war]. I think the villagers love their hometown so much. It is their hometown…. They love it so much.
It is about love. It is about a love that cannot speak. It is about the sea that cannot speak.  It is about the creatures who cannot speak aloud. We are basically talking about, we are basically talking…”
At this moment, an automated voice and background music abruptly cuts Sung-Hee off, announcing that our time has expired and instructing her visitors to leave quickly. Sung-Hee grabs her pen and the scrap of paper next to her and furiously writes a few final words. She holds the paper briefly up to the glass between us before the guard takes her away. 
The paper says, “It is about love for the people who cannot speak now. It is about love.”

Good night, Gureombi.




In the night, through the light, shadow and shadow's shadow were embedded into the huge Gureombi. Thin and long.

In the night, turn off the sun light, turn on the star light. Gureombi fall asleep deeply, giving all the light and heat to you and us. Shadow and shadow's shadow.

Good night, Gureombi.


3 actions for saving Gangjeong/ 請採取三個行動拯救江汀洞


上禮拜,便衣刑警逮捕3位領袖。村長Kang Dong Kyun被釋放,但Song, KangHo教授和Ko, KwonIl仍在監獄中,同時另一位和平活動家 Choi Sung-hee也仍在監獄中, Choi Sung-hee自從5月19日起就先行被逮捕至監獄



1. 聯絡聯合國祕書長潘基文,並讓他知道他不應該忽視在江汀洞嚴重的違反人權行為在他的祖國發生。email: ecu@un.org。
2. Email國際特赦組織秘書處,並要求他們立刻遣送人權觀察員到江汀洞:http://www.amnesty.org/en/contact
3. 請將這封請願書寄送給5位朋友或家人。4位美國公民將於7月28日來到江汀洞,屆時,他們將於藍宮(韓國總統府)前舉辦一場記者會,並遞送請願書給韓國李明博政府。我們需要一萬個簽名聯署。至今,我們有幾乎2300個簽名聯署。你可以幫我們在星期四(7月28日)以前達到一萬人聯署的目標: http://signon.org/sign/save-jeju-island-no-naval?source=s.em.cr&r_by=363628
這裡有一段擷取至Brother Song從監獄中所寫的書信的一段話:


The Global Campaign to Save Jeju Island


Dear friend,

As you read this, 1,200 police in riot gear are descending upon Gangjeong village, the site of resistance to the US/ROK naval base; 500 are from the mainland peninsula and 700 from Jeju.

Last week, undercover police arrested three leaders. The village Chief Kang Dong Kyun was released, but Brother Song Kang Ho and Ko Kwon Il still remain in prison along with peace activist Choi Sung-hee, who has been in prison since May 19.

The villagers and activists say that they are ready for nonviolent resistance to the forceful removal of their bodies from Gangjeong village. They are there to protect the land and defend the villagers of their right to preserve their community and way of life. 

Please, take 3 minutes and do three simple actions:

1. Contact Un General Secretary Ban Ki Moon and let him know that he cannot ignore the grave human rights violations taking place in his homeland against the villagers of Gangjeong village: ecu@un.org

2. Email the International Secretariat of Amnesty International and urge them to send human rights monitors to Gangjeong Village immediately: http://www.amnesty.org/en/contact

3. Please forward this petition to 5 friends and family. Four Americans will be traveling to Gangjeong village on July 28. That morning, we will hold a press conference outside of the Blue House and deliver this petition to the South Korean President Lee’s administration. We need to have 10,000 signatures. As of now, we have nearly 2,300. You can help us reach the 10,000 goal by Thursday, July 28th. http://signon.org/sign/save-jeju-island-no-naval?source=s.em.cr&r_by=363628

If we want world peace, we must take action together as a global community to save this island from becoming an ecologically majestic UNESCO world heritage site to a naval base staging Aegis warship destroyers preparing for war.

Here’s an excerpt of a letter from Brother Song from prison:
“If the Navy and government listened to local residents and proceeded with proper steps, the villagers would not have fought against the naval base construction for five years… The Navy pushes the construction of the naval base regardless of the destruction of the Gangjeong community. Not knowing the law, more than 50 innocent farmers became law-breakers and were punished. More than 50 million won has been paid in fines. And I also went to prison for the first time in my entire life. I was a coward young man hiding myself in the times of military dictatorship during the 1970s~1980s. For atonement I served in places in Ache, Haiti and all kinds of conflict areas over the world. Now I am trying to stop the insane construction of this naval base for the sake of the justice of our nation and the peace of Northeast Asia, as well as to keep the promise to the global society of preserving the ecosphere.”

Please take action now. We must spring into action now.

In solidarity,
The Global Campaign to Save Jeju Island

Sea, just cry today! Silence is never a good thing!


An anonymous poet wrote a poem on the wall in Gureombi:  
Hey Sea, why don’t you cry?
Wave, you just cry!
In front of your pathetic destiny,
Your screaming couldn’t be listened.
Hundreds of screaming,
Thousands of screaming,
Silence is never a good thing.
Sea, today, just cry.
With your strong struggle,
Until the sky.
Dear anonymous poet, I read your writing, and I wrote it down. One word by word, one sentence by sentence, I try to understand it. Little by little, I try to feel the heart-breaking pain that you feel.


Real Peace Makers!

The Right side: A very humble servant who serve us every meal in Gureombi.  
The Middle Side: Kim, Joondok who will be a candidate of president for the next tern and may do a much better job then a CEO president. 
In the Left Side: A Peace Dog from OKINAWA who look so similar with our Peace Maker Kim, Joondok.

nobody can sleep well here

昨天,西歸浦市長Ko, ChangHu來到江汀洞與居民會談,所談的內容主要是關於通往Gureommbi的農用道路問題,此農用道路的所有權自從日治時代起就屬於中央政府,雖然事實上此農用道路是沿途農民自掏腰包捐款所造的。依據法律該如何使用此農用道路取決於中央政府,中央政府將此權利交給濟州市,濟洲市則交給西歸浦市。西歸浦市還未做最後決定,此會談便是在做決定之前與居民的會談,事實上此會談原本被排在結果發表的日子之後,但因為江汀洞居民不滿抗議,西歸浦市政府才將會談時間排在結果決定之前。雖然西歸浦市有責任決定此道路的命運,但中央有權否決此決定,而如果西歸浦市不聽取中央的決定,中央可以處罰其怠忽職守罪。目前中央政府已經要求西歸浦市關閉此道路,但西歸浦市回答,此道路仍在使用中,因此市長目前也收到起訴,和其他人一樣,也有可能被逮捕。大家所害怕的是政府使用「行政代執行」(행정대집행)強制關閉與拆除道路。






昨天,一名海軍對一位和平活動者說,Brother Song 現在的情況比之前還要舒服多了。昨天,一名工頭對另一位和平活動者生氣的說:「你為什麼要阻止工程?你知道嗎,昨天我開除了兩位工人。」



Yesterday(July 20th), the mayor of Seogwipo came to have a discussion with the villagers of Gangjeong. The main issue is about the farming road which leads to Gureombi. The ownership of the farming land belong to the central government, the farming road had been build by the donation of the farmers themselves though. According to the law, how to use this farming road depends on the central government, the central government authorized the right to the Jeju City government and the Jeju city government authorized to the Seogwipo City. So far the Seogwipo city hasn't made the final decision, this meeting is the meeting before making the decision. Actually, this meeting had been made on the dates later than the presentation day of the final decision, but after the displeased protest to the seogwipo city government, the dates of the final decision making has been postponed. Although the Seogwipo city government has the responsibility to decide the final fate of this farming road, but the central government has the right to deny Segwipo city government's decision, and if the City government doesn't follow the central government's order, they will get punishment because of dereliction of duty. Now the central has asked the Seogwipo city government to close the farming road, but the Seogwipo city government answered that the road has been using continually, and the Seogwipo city mayor was accused too, and possible to be put in jail. What all of us are worried now is the using of " Administrative Enforcement" to demolish the only way to Gureombi. 

During the meeting with the mayor of Seogwipo, on the way to Gureombi, a conflict broke out between navy and residents who tried to put an iron container beside the farming road which leads to Gureombi. Navy tried to stop as it is regarded as a disturbing when they want to demolish the road. The residents and activists have determined mind to protect the road, so in the end the residents could put down the iron container. Now they also set up the tents around the iron container, and carefully keep there for 24 hours and prepare their mind for the coming of "administrative enforcement". Everyone feel very tense in mind and think maybe just the next  moment, the navy, police will come to demolish the only road which leads to Gureombi. Under this kind of condition, who can sleep well?

This morning, on the way to Gureombi, we saw people worked with the backhoes, so we went to check with worry. The owner of the farm said, he is not the one who support the naval base construction, and the reason why he was removing his plant is because too much pressure of the fines come to him. The person who worked on the backhoes is from Vietnam. I wonder how much he understood about the situation here.

Hey, residents of Gangjeong, how long will this kind of days go on? In a talking with the villagers here, one person asked "if the administrative enforcement" comes, if the government will forcibly demolish this road, if the workers come, the police come, and the navy come, what to do for the residents? The village leader and another leader said at the same time that we will struggle non-violently to the end, and will never use violence, even if we got beat or hurt, we won't respond with violence. It's very impressive and touched. 

The residents of Gangjeong are not violent mob, and are not unreasonable people. Their requests are very humble, and their behaviors are very humble too. It is the government of Korea who is too powerful, it is the USA who is too huge, and also there're too many followers without thinking deeply.  

Yesterday, a navy told a peace activist that Brother Song now is in a much more comfortable situation. Yesterday, a labor leader angry to one peace activist by saying why you blocked the construction? do you know? Yesterday I fired 2 workers.

To Police men, in the conflict, you may have your pressure and frustration, to the navy of ROK, you may also have your own reason to choose to serve with your loyalty to your country, to the workers of Samsung and Daelim, you may have your reason to guard your jobs. Whatever, this construction absolutely should be blocked. I totally cannot imagine, how the Ganjeong and the villagers of Gangjeong will be, and where will they go without the Gureombi. 

Although I felt sorry to the workers who lost their jobs, it's not the fault of Gangjeong villagers or peace activists. Now there're still 3 people who lost their freedom and stayed in jail. It may be a even heavier suffering. Everyone who is a bit active against the naval base got the police notice. These farmers and fisher men learned a lot after the naval base construction interfered into their lives.

Their eyes which full of frustration are still sprinkling. They are people who without any consideration said firmly that "non-violently struggling till the end". I hope there are more these kind of people who insist like this in this world.

西歸浦市長Ko, ChangHu
Mayor of Seogwipo: Ko, ChangHu

西歸浦市長Ko, ChangHu與江汀洞村民的會談
The meeting between the Gangjeong villagers and Seogwipo mayor, Ko, ChangHu

The villagers tried to put the iron container beside the farming road, and the navy tried to stop
A group of  student visitors saw the struggling and they cannot help but crying
                           A group of  student visitors saw the struggling and they cannot help but crying
A navy asked me not to take photos

How cannot I take photos if I saw all these struggling. How cannot I do my best to tell others? Do you know how huge thing is the powerless residents facing now? One of the most renowned newspaper "Chosun Daily news" criticized these peace movement is a left-wing movement, and it is just echoing what the navy said to one of the peace volunteer a few days ago that 'are you the North Korean'.  

I am not a Korean, but this issue is definitely not a Korean domestic issue. If you are not a Korean too, according to your conscientiousness, you absolutely have the right to interfere in this business. 




Am I that much dangerous?

昨天(2011年7月20日)下午Brother Song以及Ko, KwonIl已由濟州東部警察局的拘留所移往監獄。

是夜,走在往Guroembi海邊的路上,我與友人Y看著一輪滿月一起想著,我們的Brother Song該有多寂寞啊,我們的Ko, KwonIl以及Choi, SungHee該有多沉悶啊,雖然我們都知道你們是多麼勇敢的人,我們還是會擔心。像你們這樣奉獻的人,憑著哪一點應該待在監獄中,日復一日地錯過Guroembi的海潮聲、日出與日落?




在7月18日的記者會上,在海軍辦公室前,The Frontiers的Yune,一字一句念出失去自由的Brother Song在拘留所中所寫的信,希望該聽的人都聽進去,這樣的話我們會不斷地說下去的。

以下是Brother Song所寫的信:

Brother Song書信,寫於濟州東部警察局拘留所,717日。

Song Kang-ho於濟州東部警察局拘留所。






Yesterday afternoon (20th July, 2011), Brother Song and Ko, KwonIl had moved from the Police Station to prison. 

Tonight, when walking on the way to Gureombi, My friend and I looked at the full moon and thought that how much our brother Song may feel lonely, our Ko, KwonIl and Choi, SungHee may feel depressed although we all know they are all brave guys, we still worry. Why people who devote themselves like this should be put in jail? Day by day, you miss the sound of wave, and the sunrise and sunset in Gureombi.

Yesterday, July 18th, for the whole afternoon, the broadcasting in Gangjeong kept informing villagers that the press conference in front of the navy office would be started soon for against the naval base and for criticizing two more conscientious prisoners newly being in jail.  

Village leader of Gangjeong said "if one thief come to your house, won't you try to arrest them? But now the thief tried to accusing back the owner of house under the name of business interruption, and the police surprisingly turn back to arrest the house owners. In the morning of 15th July, you send so many police men (around 70) to arrest me. Am I that much dangerous? "

In my eyes, their eyes are so pure, how can they be the people who need almost one hundred police men to arrest them?

In the press conference,  Yune, The Frontiers staff, read Brother Song's letter which he wrote while lose freedom. One word by word, one sentence by sentence, she read. Hope the people who should listen really listen. We will never stop talking like this.  

The Following is the letter from Brother Song:

Letter from Brother Song in Jeju East Regional Police Station Detention Cell_July 17

July 17, Sunday, 2011
Song Kang-ho from Jeju East Regional Police Station Detention Cell

Dear Navy, Samsung, Daelim People

I have met you starting from this early March. It is already 5th month. Personally I feel so sorry that I have caused you big trouble. I know you have been through hard time. We could be good friends if we not meet under the situation of Gangjeong Nave Base Construction. In my eyes, you look like good and kind uncles, friends and juniors. I am trying to understand you even though you have restrained me by force and abused me a lot. All things are because of your job. After all our evil destiny brought me into prison, now my freedom is taken as you wished.

I do not blame you, nor reproach you. I believe the wrong policy of Korean Government and Ministry of National Defense put me in prison. It was our Constitution Day when I was imprisoned a charge of business interruption against Navy Base Construction. All democratic procedure was ignored. Finally I was imprisoned because of the fighting against our Government to protect democracy, the foundation of Republic of Korea Constitutional Law, to save our country from the war, to preserve our beautiful sacred nature.

Personally I like you, even respect you. It is because of my absolute respect for the blue workers. Even though I am against war and hate militarism, it is true that I admire your dauntlessness, dignity and feel human affection at the same time. I ask you no more criminal making. 50 residents have punished disgracefully, tens of people are accused. Please deliberate why Gangjeong Villagers should go through these trials. Please think about the discords and distresses that you bring this peaceful fisherman and farmers village. Why you should work like this? Don't you recognize that it is inevitable to face with bigger opposition if you proceed the construction by force? I do believe that this mad Navy Base construction would be stopped someday. But what I am concerning most is that it will cause irrecoverable sacrifice, loss, pain and harm of villagers. Do not forget villagers even could lose their life. I beg a favor of you. Please stop the construction temporarily, resolve the conflicts with residents, first. This is all people's request, and most of residents pro Navy Base construction also agree with. There is no reason to be existed if the military ignore the people. Please respect residents, listen what they are requesting. Stop the war against residents and try to persuade them. You have your own logic, counterproposal and compensation plan. Why you could not persuade residents? Gangjeong residents love our country, respect military service same as other villagers. Please appeal to their patriotic sentiment, remind their national defense spirit. Please do your best to talk with residents.

The one thing I want to make clear is that you should give up Navy Base construction if you fail to persuade residents. You should not proceed construction by force. Oppressive construction will destroy our National Identity as democratic country. I sincerely beg of you. Declare construction stop, try to do unlimited talk with residents. It is the only way to resolve all the conflicts caused by Navy Base construction, not make pure heart residents becoming disgraceful criminal. Oppressive construction is like dragging an unrolled wheel car. Your car must be fallen down. Like a wheel could not win asphalt road, Navy could not win people, nor samgsung does. Please listen carefully what people saying before you get bigger losses and shame, before people go through bigger pain and sacrifice.


反海軍軍港建設的第1542天 / The 1542nd day against Naval Base Construction

2011, 07,17.

註: 截至昨日為止,江汀洞居民已經遭受海軍軍港建設折磨了1542日子。


This was drawn yesterday in the Jeju local court while waiting the result of the trial.
In this pictures, I wrote: 
The 1542nd days, 
People who insist their dream are innocent.
2011, 07,17

Ps. Until yesterday, the Gangjeong villagers have been struggling for 1542 days.

While they are working hard for making their livings, they have to prepare their mind that once the siren rings, many of them have to stop doing ongoing things and run to Gureombi beach. When they get to know that someone got arrested, they also need to put aside their works for protesting and demonstration. Hey, the grandpa and grandma here, how exactly you could have walked through 1542 days?