
Photo of Mass on Jan 3rd, 2012

The following photos were taken on Jan 3rd, 2012 when we had Mass in front of the gate.

It's terrible to see too many construction cars enter the gates continuously.

Actually, the Korea Government was reflected in the budget of new year of Jeju naval construction. Originally, 1327 billion was proposed, but 1281 billion had been cutted down. Thus, only 46 billion remain for the next year.

We are happy about this news. Although the naval base haven't been totally kicked out, it shows at least Korea government also recognizes how improper of this naval base plan is from the prosperous social movement against naval base. However, recently the navy construction companies are even crazier to speed up the construction as they want to spend all the remaining budget before the deadline or the remaining budget will also just be gone.

Many people have hard time in this issue but please don't just close your eyes and conscious heart to choose a shortcut. Even though among the peace activists, let's remember to reflect on ourselves too.

Please pray for total cancellation of naval base not just decreasing the budget, and pray that navy and construction company will recognize the immorality of this base plan. Pray for peace in our mind.-----------------------------------------------------

Mass in front of the naval base construction gate

Priests  sitting in front of the gate to help to stop the terrible construction cars to enter and go out from the gate so that the Mass can be continued

SungHee Oni tried hard to explain how improper of this naval base and how unfair the naval base plan is to the villagers. It's not new for pro-base and anti base, but anyway, she still tried. 

So many police men were stand by beside us and the police car for arresting people were just parking beside the gate. The women police men were also standing by inside of the gate this time.
